Wednesday 4 November 2009

Section 6: Character Outlines and Script

Joshua is lying in bed waiting for time to go by. He rolls onto his back, restless and decides to get up and go downstairs for something to drink. He walks down the stairs, through the dining room and through the kitchen to the fridge and when he gets there, he notices his brothers exam results on the door of the fridge. He takes them off, examines them, and then scrunches it up into a ball and throws it in the bin. Angry, he goes upstairs and packs clothes into a backpack, and retrieves money from his money box so that he can run away from his home. He then gets up, goes back down the stairs, and leaves through the front door quietly, and walks down into the street.

Character Outlines:

Joshua Cartwright - Joshua has blonde hair and blue eyes like his mother, and is taller than everyone in his family standing at 6ft", although he is the youngest at only fifteen. He dresses very casual, such as jeans and a large t-shirt because he doesn't believe that he has to make himself look good all the time to impress people. He isn't very successful education wise, and this makes him jealous of his brother, Christian - who is successful in his education. Joshua tends to blend into the background at most places, such as in his home, or at a party because people don't like him very much.

Christian Cartwright - Christian has got brown hair and blue eyes like his father. He is also the eldest out of the two son's at 18. He is very smart and succeeds in everything he takes part in. He has a bookshelf in the living room specifically for his awards so that his family can flaunt that they have a successful child when they have guests around. Christian is older than Joshua, although only stands at 5ft 8". He wears very smart clothes, such as cardigans and v-neck sweaters with a shirt, although he still wear jeans with these so that he is not fully dressed up.

April Cartwright - April is the mother of both Christian and Joshua. She is 42 and has blonde hair and blue eyes like Joshua. She is a petite woman standing at only 5ft 2" but makes up for it with her huge personality. She is married to Terry Cartwright who is her son's father. She works in a call centre near to her home because she worries about the well being of her children. Her maiden name is Lennon.

Terry Cartwright - He is the father of both Joshua and Christian. Terry is 47 and has brown hair and blue eyes like Christian. He stands at 5ft 11", not much smaller than their youngest son. He works in a large office and is home in the evenings, but sometimes has to work later, meaning less time with his family. He is married to April, and has been since their early twenties.

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