Wednesday 4 November 2009

Section 3: Brainstorm of ideas for your film

Ideas we have thought of for our opening scene:

1.) Home videos of a family celebration to celebrate their younger son's success, and showing the older sibling being jealous of the younger sibling who is being praised and getting all the attention because ever since he was born, his younger brother has got all the attention and not him. So, as an attempt to win back his parents affection, he runs away.

2.) Using the same story as above, we should change the opening to the older son walking downstairs during the night and ripping up his brothers exam results, deciding to leave during the night, he packs a rucksack of essentials and leaves.

3.) To show a man/woman getting ready with heavy weaponry and armour as if ready to complete a mission - showing the end before the beginning.

We chose the second idea because we felt that as a group, it would have more elements that would make the audience more emotionally involved with the film, and that the film would make a lot more sense if someone watched it. Also, we feel that the audience would enjoy watching it more than the other idea's we came up with as a group.

We have chosen to use Rebecca's and Ben's house which is an average home, where an everyday family would live - to show how realistic the story is and to show that the family are well off.

Our character are: The Cartwright Family
Joshua Cartwright - The Young son (Runaway one) - around 15-16
Christian Cartwright - The Older song (Successful one) around 17-18
Parents and older son is not included in filming.

Joshua - Baggy jeans and a long t-shirt to show he doesn't care about his looks. Also, to show that he didn't intend on sleeping in his bed, just to pretend that he is sleeping so that he can leave late at night.

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